With gas prices on the rise, you may be looking for ways to save on fuel. Discover a few top recommendations we’ve received to help make every dollar at the pump stretch its furthest.
If you want to save money on gas, here are a few simple ways to get started:
Scope out the best price at the pump and get cash back on each fill up. One of my favorite cash back apps, Checkout 51, offers you great deals not only on groceries and prescriptions, but gas too! Pull up the gas tab and you’ll see the price of gas in your area and the amount per gallon in cash back you’ll get. We typically get ~$0.10-$0.15 per gallon, sometimes up to $0.25, in cash back through this app and can withdraw it by either PayPal or check once a $20 balance in cash back is hit.
Be a more relaxed driver. This one might take some practice, but is another great way to save on the number of trips you’ll need to make to the pump. In fact, the US Department of Energy indicates that if you ‘hit the breaks’ on aggressive driving – hard breaking, quick accelerating and speeding – you can reduce your gas mileage by 15-30% at highway speeds and 10-40% in stop-and-go traffic. That’s an equivalent gas savings of $0.36-$0.44 per gallon. Need some help, newer cars have a helpful gas mileage feature on their dashboard console.
Not sure what speed you should go? The most fuel efficient speeds have been found to be between 55 and 65 mph.
Check Your Tires. It may not seem like routinely checking your tires would impact your gas use; however, maintaining proper tire pressure will make an impact on the frequency of your fill ups. Underinflated tires can actually increase consumption by up to 3%.
Clean out your car. If your family is like mine, it doesn’t take very long for things to accumulate inside our vehicle. Those items not only clutter up the inside, but add to to overall weight of the vehicle. The more weight, the harder your car has to work and thus the more gas it has to use. Get rid of the heavy stuff just sitting there.
Park further away. No one likes parking further away. Especially in Michigan, in winter. But if you are able to find a spot more quickly by parking a little further away, do it! Not only will this use less fuel than if you spend your time circling around a parking lot or a street looking for a spot, but walking a little further is good for your body too.
Carpool when you can. This one may not be realistic for every family – I know its not for mine; however, it is when I think about some of the work trips that I take. When possible, I try to carpool with others from my office if we have a meeting outside the office we need to attend together.
Work from home if you can. Again, this one might not be realistic for everyone; but if your work allows you to work from home even just occasionally, this can help you save on gas too.
Join a Fuel Rewards Program. Another way to save a little money on gas fill ups is to join a fuel rewards program. Many gas stations offer them. For example, we save $0.05 per gallon at Marathon gas stations through their fuel rewards program. If you shop at a certain brand of gas stations more often than others, this can be another way to save a little more when you fill up on gas.
Hope this helps you save a few bucks at the pump. Have any additional ways you save? Share them in the comments.