Now that fall is officially here, you may be looking for ways to keep your family entertained without spending a lot of money. We’ve got you covered! Here are some of our favorite family-friendly activities that will cost you very little, if anything at all.

- Head to your local library and pick up some new books that are fall-themed to read together.
- Go on a nature walk in your neighborhood or local park and take pictures of falling leaves, bugs, and anything else you find interesting along the way—then bring those pictures home and make a collage or photo book about your adventure!
- Visit a local apple orchard or pumpkin patch. Let your kids pick out their favorite pumpkin or enjoy a glass of apple cider.
- Carve pumpkins – the ones your kids picked up at the pumpkin patch! And don’t forget to roast the seeds too.
- Print out fall-themed activity sheets and have an ‘art night.’
- Check out your local bike trails.
- Attend community events hosted throughout your town.
- Visit a local farmers’ market and pick up some fresh produce. It’s a great way to support local farmers while getting some exercise at the same time.
- Have an adventure day! Set aside one day this fall where everyone goes off on their own to explore something new—a museum, an art gallery, or even just another part of town that hasn’t been explored before. It’ll be fun for everyone involved!
What are your favorite ways to enjoy the fall season? Share in the comments.